The registration fee is a yearly fee which covers books, insurance, and workbooks. If a student withdraws from school before the first day of school, 80% of the registration fee will be refunded. If a student withdraws at any time during the school year, the fee is not refunded.
Registration Fee
$265 per child grades 1-8, this includes all classroom supplies needed.
Base Tuition Rate: $4,450.00
Tuition Assistance
Need based opportunities at 50% and 25% of the tuition rate are available.
- 5% discount will be credited to accounts which are paid in full at the start of each year.
- 5% discount will be credited to accounts which are paid in full at the start of each semester.
- 2% discount will be credited to accounts which are paid on time.
- Tuition is due in 10 payments beginning August 30 through May 30.
- There is a 10% discount for additional students from the same family.
- All accounts should be paid in full no later than two days after the last day of school.
- Accounts not paid within 30 days of the due date are considered delinquent. A verbal or written reminder will be made at this point.
- Accounts more than 60 days past due will require an appointment with the treasurer to discuss payment options.
- Accounts more than 90 days delinquent will be brought before the school board for discussion, and the student will be subject to suspension until appropriate arrangements have been made.
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