Warren Seventh-day Adventist School has adopted the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists’ Curriculum Goals for schools as outlined in Journey to Excellence. The Curriculum Goals are as follows:
- Acceptance of God: Surrender one’s whole life to God; develop a relationship with Jesus Christ; and allow the Holy Spirit to work in one’s life.
- Commitment to the Church: Desire to know, live and share the message and mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
- Interpersonal Relationships: Develop a sense of self-worth, skills in interpersonal relationships, an understanding of the responsibilities of family membership and the ability to respond with sensitivity to the needs of others.
- Responsible Citizenship: Develop an understanding of cultural and historical heritages, affirm a belief in the dignity and worth of others and accept responsibility for local, national and global environments.
- Healthy Balanced Living: Accept personal responsibility for achieving and maintaining optimum physical, mental and spiritual health.
- Intellectual Development: Accept personal responsibility for achieving and maintaining optimum physical, mental and spiritual health.
- Communication Skills: Recognize the importance of effective communication and develop the requisite skills.
- Personal Management: Function responsibly in the everyday world using Christian principles of stewardship, economy and personal management.
- Aesthetic Appreciation: Develop an appreciation of the beautiful, both in God’s creation and in human expression, while nurturing individual ability in the fine arts.
- Career and Service: Develop a Christian work ethic with an appreciation for the dignity of service.