Dress Code
The Warren School expects students to be dressed and groomed in such a way as to not disrupt or distract from instructional procedures or classroom decorum. Appropriateness to the occasion, activity, and time should always be the guide.
Students should choose their clothing based on the principles of cleanliness, neatness, modesty, and appropriateness. Due to a wide range of values and beliefs associated with modesty, neatness, and appropriateness, the following dress code is to be followed during all school days and when participating in any school activity, unless otherwise stated.
Must be purchased from authorized vendors and imprinted with the school logo.
Must be short or long-sleeved traditional polo-style without any adjustments or alterations made to the original style-cut.
Must cover the top of the pants/skirts/shorts or skorts.
Must fit properly
P.E. tops: T-shirt with logo
Must be purchased through authorized vendors, as others are not allowed. Parents are encouraged to purchase one of these for warmth in chilly weather.
Solid-colored jeans/jean shorts
Solid-colored chino/khaki pants
Solid-colored cargo pants/shorts
Solid-colored jean capris
Solid-colored chino/khaki capris
Solid-colored or jean skirt
Solid-colored or chino/khaki skirt
Walking shorts
Modesty shorts or leggings must be worn under skirts.
Bottoms cannot be ripped, torn or patched and must have a finished hem. Bottoms cannot be made of an athletic material (with the exception of PE days).Must not be spandex, jegging, sweatshirt material, fleece material, or flannel material.
P.E. bottoms: Black sweat/athletic pants or gym shorts.
For safety reasons, enclosed shoes must be worn at all times.
Sneakers are to be worn on P.E. days.
Headwear of any type (hats, bandanas, hoods, etc.) is not permitted in the building at any time.
No jewelry is to be worn at school. Jewelry includes but is not limited to bracelets, wrist bands, necklaces, rings, and earrings.
Nail polish of any color other than clear is not permitted.
Authorized Uniform Vendor
Lands’ End
Link: Lands’ End School Uniform Store
Enter the School Number and select Search By Number
Land’s End School ID: 900047473